Table of Today
A wise woman once said, "Life happens around the table!" Boy oh boy is this true! I have sincerely experienced and watched our family grow, laugh, and cry around our dinner table. Some of the memories we have are forever etched in our mind.
While I have experienced so much life around our physical table, the Lord has been speaking to me about the life that happens around the table He has prepared for us! All throughout scripture Jesus tells us to be anxious for nothing, focus on today, and not to worry about tomorrow. As I have pondered on the beautiful passage in Psalms 23:5 about the table He has prepared before me, I began to ask Him the question, "What's on that table?" That question opened up a conversation with God that has begun to change my life and the way that I function in it.
So many times we find ourselves frustrated and asking questions like, "Why can't I move past this mountain? What's wrong with me? Do I even hear God anymore?" I am realizing that it's difficult to get answers to these questions when we often feast on the table of yesterday... the table of "what was". It was at this table Jesus showed me that I was feasting on "food" that was no longer edible. It was old, molded, and just gross. Just like the manna God provided in the Old Testament, it was food that was only meant to be ate that day. No wonder I was feeling malnourished and at times sick.
Then there's the table of "tomorrow." You know, the very thing Jesus said to not worry about. We can find ourselves asking, "Why am I always feeling anxious?" What if's and hypothetical conversations and situations play out like a movie in our mind leaving us once again frustrated, sad, discouraged, and restless. His response is rather simple. When we feast on the table of tomorrow, there is no nourishment there either! Why? The table hasn't been prepared yet! I am not saying don't dream or set goals, because those things are incredibly important. But when we are constantly trying to feast on the table of tomorrow, there is no way we can ever be truly "present" and feast on the table of "today". We are constantly trying to move forward and control what tomorrow's table should hold and look like! God, in His goodness to us, reminds us not to worry, but rather focus on today!
Today, He has prepared a table for us to feast on! Today, on this table, is the wisdom, provision, healing, grace, mercy and so much more that we need... and it's all for today! When we feast on this table we will be more present in our homes, our jobs, and our ministry. We will be able to focus and trust that God is truly sufficient for all we need TODAY! He didn't fail me yesterday, He won't fail me today, nor will He fail me tomorrow!
Be encouraged! Life truly does happen around the table! Feast on the table He has prepared for you today! Trust that it IS enough and it will satisfy you!
“Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good; Blessed is the man who trusts in Him!”
“This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.”