ASK then ACT!
Have you ever got stuck on a scripture before? One of those God-breathed scriptures that Holy Spirit says “Hey, don’t go any further just yet . . . I want you to stay right here, I’ve got something to show you.” For me, yesterday was one of those days. As I opened my bible today to spend time in His presence, He took me right back to yesterdays scriptures, Proverbs 6:20-22 and said, “Get your pen”. Side note: I am one of those Kinesthetic learners. I have to write it down to remember otherwise, it's in one ear and out the other despite my good intentions. And all my Kinesthetic friends said "amen!"
Also, can I just say I love that the word of God is alive, it’s fresh and always revelatory. I love that something a person could know so well, a scripture like Proverbs 6:20-22, that has spoken to me for years with a certain bent . . . could then in an instant be highlighted by Holy Spirit with fresh revelation and leave me wondering why I haven’t pondered this before! I crave these light switch moments with Holy Spirit. You know the kind that brings such a strong revelation that calls one to action and brings transformation, priceless.
So, today I invite you inside one of my light switch moments. This morning as I spend time in His presence I am more aware of the responsibility that comes with being a mom, grandma, coach, mentor, and spiritual parent. You see, I have taught these verses multiple times through the years. I have written curriculum centered around these truths. I’ve taught kids about honoring their parents based on the content of these principles and have also taught parents illustrating what God says about our children. But today, the focus of my attention is on the responsibility and weight that comes in order to be the father or mother that the author is speaking of. I pray that as you read through my light switch moment, God also brings fresh revelation to your soul.
“My son, obey your father’s commands,
and don’t neglect your mother’s instruction.
Keep their words always in your heart.
Tie them around your neck.
When you walk, their counsel will lead you.
When you sleep, they will protect you.
When you wake up, they will advise you.”
This passage of scripture is indeed one of those "if – then" patterns. It’s a mandate not just for children of all ages, BUT . . . I can't help but see that this is also a mandate for parents. As a godly parent, I should have godly advice and life giving teaching to pass on. When something is prefaced by "they will" and God is speaking it, WOW, that is a lot of responsibility! My job as a parent, mentor, grandma, coach, and spiritual parent is to impart the tools they need to create a moral warehouse. Not just so it makes me feel accomplished, but that they have the tools to make the God said choices for their life.
I can’t tell you the number of times I have felt inadequate in raising my children and those that God had entrusted me with. I firmly believe the greatest honor I have in life is being a mom! Think about it . . . God gave me three of His kids to raise. The creator of the universe, the king of kings asked me an average, ordinary me to partner with Him in raising up Joshua, Meaghan and Ryan to be all that He destined them to be. This just blows my mind, even after all these years! He has trusted me with their lives. Now how can you let something like that become familiar? If you have children, I encourage you to take a step back and put your children's names in the sentence above and allow it to sink in. If you don't yet have children and you desire to, place this in your tool box for when that season arrives. According to this scripture, it’s a mandate that I know the heart of the Father so that I can then pour it into my kids and they will wrap wisdom around their neck like a scarf! (message translation) ; For some, this could be scary. But this morning, I am reminded of a few principles that Holy Spirit spoke to me as a young mom that have been foundational in shaping how I live:
- If God said; then He has given me a way to do it! There is always a plan. He is not a God who lies or sets standards so high that they can’t be attained! If He said it then its true. It’s that simple! He has a plan for me to be the wisdom my children need. I’ve just got to listen to Him and be the conduit for Him to flow through to impart wisdom into my kids. Take a moment each day and ask Holy Spirit what resources you need to receive from Him or implement from Him that you already have to be the best He created you to be in what He has given you.
- There is no college for parenting… but there is the school of the Holy Spirit. Best teacher ever!! He always knows what I need before I know I need it and offers to teach me first hand before I need to pass it on. I encourage you to pause for just a minute, ask Holy Spirit if there is something He wants to teach you about yourself or your child.
- The Word . . . Best "how to" book ever written. When I was home schooling Meaghan in high school, we had the kind of Math books that not only included the problem it include the answer in the back of the book. The Bible has an answer for everything. It never needs to be updated and it not only contains every problem, it is the answer key. Think of a situation you need guidance on or need to overcome. Now, flip to the back of your bible and find the key word related to it. Allow Holy Spirit to show you what you need to do! Sickness, family, faith, love, patience, it's all in there ready to be mined.
- Ask! The Bible is clear. If we ask for wisdom, He will give generously. We serve a generous God who wouldn't hold back His own son. Surely, He will give you what wisdom you ask of Him. So go ahead, take a second to ask!
- As a mom, a follower of Jesus, the best gift I have to give is to be so full of His heart that it flows out of me! More than my words, my kids are watching how I live. My dad didn’t talk a whole lot, but he sure lived it. I learned wisdom by watching him as he modeled it. "More is caught then taught." Knowing that your kids are watching you . . . what will you adjust today that will be worth the catch?
I look at this very familiar scripture today with new eyes and a fresh revelation. It has switched on a rekindled desire, passion and goal to see that wisdom is awakened in me. Not because it's just for me. But, because there is a generation of children who need the wisdom and knowledge God would give me to live. They are counting on us! God is counting on us! We must ask and act.
Life Happens Around The Table